Looking for the very best Bi-Folding Doors for your Dartford home or maybe a selection of replacement doors? Simply fill in your details for your free, no obligation quotation, and click “Get Quote”
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Jump on the latest trend
Customer requests for bi-folding doors have hugely grown in recent years and there’s no sign of their popularity diminishing any time soon. You only need to see a bi-folding door when stationary or in motion to understand what people like about it.
No door has an opening quite like a bi-folding door, not that it needs to be open to enhance your Dartford home, thanks to how it improves thermal and sound insulation, giving you a quieter and cosier living space. With the handle, so many types of opening can be achieved.

The very simplest of openings...
A faultless designed door, the bi-fold is made up of a number of panels that glide and intuitively fold when you want to eliminate the barrier it creates between your home and garden. More versatile than any other door, it maximises outdoor views, whilst enabling you to make a seamless transition to the outside.
Every element of a bi-folding door has been so carefully thought out and that’s evident just by observing the graceful manner it opens and closes.

Are you familiar with bi-folding doors?
This expertly engineered door has various glazed panels and each of them elegantly folds as you push it open towards the opposite end of the track. For versatility, a bi-folding door takes some beating, and you can exploit this in so many ways.
How is a bi-folding door so versatile though? That’s the question on so many customer’s lips! It can be explained by the engineering techniques employed to manufacture its design.

Your Dartford home will be better protected
We love our homes and need to feel protected inside of them, something that a bi-folding door will help to ensure. Across each of the sections of a bi-folding door there are various secure locking points, and the glass is toughened to withstand extreme external force.
Security is not to be taken lightly and it certainly isn’t by us, that’s why our bi-folding doors are amongst the strongest and most reliable out there.

Our bi-folding doors are easily personalised…
So many aspects of an Eden bi-folding door can be customised to your taste, such as the coloured finish it has and its size and configuration. Some of our bi-folding door installations involve their integration into extensions to marry them to gardens, but the vast majority are used to connect homes and gardens.
We are regularly adding new colours to the palette for our bi-folding doors, with lots of subtle and striking shades to be chosen from. White and Grey are two very popular selections, but Blue and Red give them a good run for their money.
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Eden, believes that you shouldn’t have to pinch your pockets to be able to purchase our products. You can pay in affordable monthly instalments to better suit your needs and budget.
Eden, believes that you shouldn’t have to pinch your pockets to be able to purchase our products. You can pay in affordable monthly instalments to better suit your needs and budget.