What Are Flush Casement Windows?

Flush casements windows are easily identified as they have a very distinct aesthetic, offering a window sash that sits exactly level with the window frame, creating a perfectly flat finish. 

This sleek, minimalist appearance will greatly differentiate your home from neighbouring residences, most of which will likely have standard window styles with the usual outward protrusion, such as some of the best coloured UPVC windows.

They will complement various home architectural styles, from modern to traditional, and flush casement windows are often selected for properties that have strict guidelines imposed on them for conservation reasons. 

Adding them to your dwelling will be a major statement and quickly see it become the envy of the neighbours. 

Black Flush Casement Windows
What are Flush Casement Windows?

Materials for Flush Casement Windows

When flush casements originally came to prominence in the 19th century, they would be solely built out of timber and some of them still are. 

However, things evolve and you can now get flush casement windows in UPVC and aluminium profiles too. On assessing any kind of flush casement, whether UPVC, aluminium or timber-built, it’s useful to know what are u values for windows all about. 

To help you discern which of the three materials are right for you, here’s a mini description of what each has to offer:

  • UPVC: Cost, of course, comes into the equation when buying window replacements and UPVC is largely the most affordable material and also incredibly easy to maintain and hugely energy efficient. UPVC flush windows are also very secure, containing robust locking mechanisms.
  • Aluminium: From a toughness standpoint, you’d have to say that aluminium is the strongest material, but as it’s malleable, our craftspeople are able to sculpt aluminium windows with an unbelievably slimline design. Aluminium finishes are powder-coated onto the frames, making them corrosion-resistant.
  • Timber: Those with traditional tastes may naturally gravitate towards timber windows. If they’re properly cared for, there’s every possibility that rotting and such won’t emerge and they will last for decades. Wood offers much flexibility too, handy if you’re seeking to own customised designs.
  • Composite: Called composite windows due to the mix of materials used in their manufacturing, they are made of timber and aluminium, which makes them both highly durable and visually enticing. When conflicted between timber and aluminium windows, these windows are a fantastic choice.

Flush Casement Windows Pros and Cons

In any discussion about what are flush casement windows, it would be remiss of us not to go into the different pros and cons of them, especially if you are seeking to learn more about flush windows v casement. 

Beginning with the upsides, flush casement windows possess such an aesthetically-pleasing look and the cleanest of lines, sure to elevate the appearance and personality of homes old and new. Something else that works in their favour is that many planners accept them as a suitable replacement for original flush casements. The combination of modern building materials and cutting-edge glazing helps a flush casement to achieve an impressive energy rating and provide outstanding thermal performance. Lastly, secure seals and a multipoint lock make it a reliable safeguard. 

As for the downsides, cost might be an issue for some customers as they are sold at a higher price than standard casement windows. There are possible size limitations to contend with too as the sash needs to be light enough for the frame to support its weight whenever the window is opened. 

Flush Windows vs Casement – The Difference

A first-time window buyer or someone with only minimal window knowledge may be curious to learn what the key differences are between flush casement windows and standard casement windows

To fill you in, a flush casement window sits flat with the frame, while a standard casement window has a prominent protruding lip (i.e. isn’t flat and sticks out). 

Their shared benefits include the offering of valuable ventilation on a hot day, both being easy to operate for drawing in fresh air from outside, and also having supremely secure systems with a legion of protective mechanisms. 

What might sway you one way or the other in the ongoing discussion about flush windows vs casement is that flush designs are arguably the prettier of the two, but that makes them tend to be more expensive. 

Why Choose Flush Casement Windows?

Now that you are up-to-speed with what are flush casement windows, it may have enticed you to invest in a set of them and all that remains is for us to recap why that would be a good decision. 

They are so timeless and will therefore bring lasting glamour to your window openings, infusing tremendous character into modern residences and protecting the existing personality of heritage properties. 

Impressive levels of thermal insulation can be reached and flush casements contain all the latest security features, magnifying home security to previously untapped heights. 

Savings made as a result of improved thermal efficiency will also go some way towards repaying the cost of flush casements.


Everyone is welcome to come in and browse around our Gillingham Showroom in Kent, where our friendly sales team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.

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