The Ultimate Guide on How To Clean a Conservatory Roof

How to Clean a Conservatory Roof: Straightforward Strategies

Some people feel a wave of dread at the mere mention of cleaning, especially when it involves keeping a traditional conservatory roof looking pristine.

We understand how daunting it can be to maintain the appearance of an old conservatory roof, but doing so is crucial to preserve those clear views and prevent leaks or damage.

That’s why Eden Windows is here to help, providing a straightforward guide on conservatory roof cleaning.

A glass roof conservatory from the outside

Why Cleaning Your Conservatory Roof Matters

Glazed roofs naturally gather dirt, algae, and debris over time. Letting this buildup go unchecked can diminish light transmission and spoil the overall appearance of your conservatory.

Even worse, repeated neglect can lead to structural damage and mould growth, which can cause serious problems down the road.

Preventing these issues is simple—just ensure your conservatory roof receives effective and timely cleaning.

Advantages of having a Clean Conservatory Roof

Try to look beyond the task of cleaning your conservatory roof and focus on the benefits: preventing costly and inconvenient issues while extending its lifespan.

Keeping the glazed surfaces spotless allows sunlight to flood the interior, creating a beautifully bright and inviting space.

Plus, a pristine roof adds to the overall aesthetic of your conservatory.

Consequences of Ignoring Roof Maintenance

Let’s explore the risks of neglecting to clean a conservatory roof. Excessive moss and algae can trap moisture, which may weaken seals, cause structural damage, and lead to leaks.

Blocked drainage systems are another concern, as they can cause water to pool on the roof. If left unattended for too long, the accumulated debris might even cause the roof to sag or crack under the weight.

Prevent these dangers by following our recommended maintenance routine.

Internal shot of a glass roof conservatory

The Signs That Your Roof Needs Cleaning

Reduced light entering your conservatory is a clear sign that your roof needs a thorough cleaning to eliminate dirt, streaks, stains, and moss.

Water pooling is often a sign of blocked gutters that require clearing.

As seasons change, or after a stretch of particularly unsettled weather, it’s wise to inspect your roof and address any issues before they develop into more significant problems.

The Perfect Time of Year for Conservatory Roof Cleaning

We’re guessing you’d rather not be cleaning your conservatory roof in the freezing depths of winter or under the scorching summer sun, right?

The best times to tackle this task are in spring and autumn, when temperatures are more moderate.

Add it to your spring-cleaning checklist, and in autumn, clear away any leaves that may have landed on the roof. This will ensure your conservatory is prepared to handle the extreme conditions of both summer and winter.

Steps to Prepare Before Cleaning

If you’re cleaning the roof yourself rather than hiring a professional, be sure to take the necessary precautions to do it safely.

Choose a clear, dry day and use a sturdy ladder placed on flat ground. Wear non-slip shoes, and equip yourself with non-abrasive cleaning tools and appropriate cleaning products.

For steep or particularly high roofs, it’s wise to consider wearing a safety harness.

Safety Measures

Please don’t take any unnecessary risks when cleaning a conservatory roof!

Ensure your ladder is tall enough to avoid overreaching, and never step directly on the roof panels to prevent damage. Instead, use a crawl board or roof ladder.

When using non-abrasive cleaning tools, wear goggles and gloves to protect yourself—these tools are designed not to scratch or harm the glazed surfaces.

Protecting the Interior of Your Conservatory

The first step in cleaning a conservatory roof is to close all windows and doors to prevent water, cleaning agents, and their odours from entering the space.

It’s also wise to cover any furniture, plants, and flooring to protect them.

Be cautious with water pressure—using too much can damage the panels and seals, leading to leaks, so keep the pressure low.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

It’s crucial to follow the correct cleaning procedures to prevent costly damage and avoid expensive repairs. Stick to a safe and effective cleaning process, steering clear of common mistakes made by conservatory owners.

Avoid harsh chemicals, as they can cause irreversible damage, and never use a pressure washer on glass, as it may lead to cracking.

Under no circumstances should you climb directly on the roof—always use proper equipment to minimise the risk of damage or injury.

Glass Roof Conservatory

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning

  • Closely inspect the roof to identify areas needing cleaning or repair. Remove debris such as dirt and leaves using a soft-bristled broom or a leaf blower.
  • Soak a soft brush or sponge in water mixed with mild detergent, and gently scrub the panels to remove algae, mould, or grime. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  • For stubborn stains and algae, mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Apply the solution to the affected areas and let it sit for about 15 minutes before gently scrubbing with a soft brush or sponge.

Tips for Regular Maintenance

Conservatory roof maintenance only needs to be carried out a couple of times a year to keep your roof clean and functioning optimally.

The process will be quicker if you take preventative measures, such as installing gutter guards to reduce dirt and debris buildup, ensuring proper water drainage.

Adding anti-algae strips along the roofline can also help minimise algae growth.


There you go! You’re now fully informed on how to clean a conservatory roof, including the timing and importance of following these tips.

If it still seems like too much effort, consider our low-maintenance roofing solutions, some of which feature self-cleaning glass technology.

What solution do you recommend for cleaning a roof?

Most dirt, algae, and debris on a conservatory roof can be removed using a soft brush along with a mixture of warm water and mild detergent.

For stubborn stains, try a solution of vinegar and water or a non-abrasive cleaner.

To prevent debris buildup, consider applying a protective UV-resistant coating.

Can I use a jet wash on my conservatory roof?

We strongly advise against using a jet wash, as the high pressure can damage seals, joints, and roofing material, increasing the risk of leaks and structural issues.

If you must use a pressure washer, reduce the pressure to the lowest setting.

However, using a soft brush is generally a safer option to minimise the risk of damaging your roof.

Would washing up liquid work for cleaning a conservatory roof?

This option is distinct from the cleaning solutions discussed in this blog and is gentle on the roof.

Mix it with warm water and apply with a soft brush or sponge. After cleaning, rinse thoroughly with clean water.

How can I remove green algae from my conservatory roof?

You can try two methods to tackle algae: the first is a mixture of water and mild detergent or water with a specialised algae cleaner. Use a soft brush or sponge to gently scrub the algae.

For persistent algae, diluted bleach or white vinegar can be effective; just make sure to rinse thoroughly afterward. Regular cleaning helps minimise algae regrowth.


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